We find answers...
Let us help you achieve your goals and objectives; walk the journey together.
Let us help you achieve your goals and objectives; walk the journey together.
We seek the truth. Do not allow your valued asset to be transitioned to a lost. Do not allow other to take what is not theirs. We seek the truth through research and investigation.
As we have opinions, we are going to have differences, and as those differences are not agreed upon, conflict could change the environment of the environment. However, communication is a key component of resolving conflict.
As there is a an increase in violence, there is an increase need for conflict resolution strategies, and a basic need for understanding avoid altercation and defend oneself when there is not other option available.
Venn Leadership and Consulting, LLC (VLC) is a private investigation and consulting organization that partners with individuals, businesses and educational leaders in creating an environment that promotes effective and realistic resolutions through investigations. In additional to private investigation, VLC offers self-defense, awareness, leadership and educational strategies to it clients. VLC uses strategies that address particular cultures and organizational needs based on the availability of their resources. VLC inspires and mentor individuals to challenge themselves to be productive citizens, leaders and educators.
We seek the truth through research and surveillance. We discreetly work with clients, as we provide real time feedback.
The understanding of conflict resolution helps individuals and organizations to establish a balance within and outside their environment.
Training focuses on fitness and conditioning. Students are taught practical self-defense relating to guns, knives, stand-up and groundwork defenses. De-escalation and verbal commands are incorporated in the training. Training occurs in a friendly environment and classes are engaging as questions are welcome.
Venn Leadership and Consulting, LLC All Rights Reserved 2010 – 2023 Private Investigation/Conflict Resolution – Self-awareness